10 Best life quotes and short poems

10 Best life quotes and short poems from my writings and quote collection:

Grief is the price we pay for love, Life quotes and short poems Grief is the price we pay for love,
Love is the value we have for life.
– Anju Hilory


A Flower bloomed,
Purpose awaits,
A disciple comes,
Purpose ends. – Anju Hilory


A girl passing by a mirror.
Stopped. Gazing.
“What face are you looking at ?”
Question unsolved. – Anju Hilory


Tweet tweet,
A lot of squeaks,
Noisy silence,
A deeper peace. – Anju Hilory


You are mean to the person
That you care about.


Education is
The most righteous way
of upliftment, I think,
Which is
Being harassed to fulfil
tiny-little insufficient ends.
– Anju Hilory

To read the full poem
click here.


Smile is the universal language
Of affection and kindness.


Never give up on a dream
That you have been chasing
For the most of your life.


If you don’t do your best now,
You’ll regret it later.


Losing you awake is chasing,
And getting you back is a blessing.


A weathered heart
leaves a weathered soul,
And a weathered soul
doesn’t have a start,
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you, dare to fall apart.
– Anju Hilory

To read the full poem click here


Rain flower photos Life quotes and short poems To watch adorable baby clips click here.


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