07 Short Poems and Motivational Quotes

Short Poems pack lots of meaning in a small amount of space. They present clear and concrete images. The short poems also represent abstract ideas through the symbolism of concrete images.


07 short poems and motivational quotes, Coffee time photos


“Make diamonds of your broken pieces
And illuminate yourself,
You can bring a tiny-tiny light into this huge world,
Into this huge universe.”

To read the full poem click here


“You’re hurt,
You can’t help that,
You’re breaking,
You’re aching,
You can’t help that either,
But clouds pass through, remember that.”

To read the full poem click here


“Read into my melancholy,
Visit there usually,
Fix that truthfully,
And if you ever get a small place for Happy,
Sow some seeds for joy and beauty.”

To read the full poem click here


“We can survive sticking together,
We can survive this world another,
We can live in one clock,
We can be an another flock,
We can make a perfect art,
We can play a beautiful part,
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart…”

To read the full poem click here


“When I’m full of zeal,
They are motivated,
When I’m peaceful,
They appreciate it.
But nobody wants the dark loneliness I’m blessed with,
Nobody wants the vast anger I’m burning in,
Nobody… Wants that.”

To read the full poem click here


The ways must be long,
And the Beloved ones must be along.”


“Once friends
Now regrets,
That’s the end
As it begins.


These 07 short poems and motivational quotes are picked up from my different poems and quote collection.
And here’s my ultimate motivation…


07 short poems and motivational quotes photos



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