( For Peace and Tranquility of Heart )

Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart,
Get a clock,
Mix with the flock.
In this way 
Of going away,
You will find fleece,
But peace.
Choose me,
Stay with me,
We together can make great art,
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart.

My heart and I, trying to survive photos

With flock and fleece,
You can only roam around.
But you and I can perfectly bound,
We can vow for;
‘Mine is yours and yours is mine.’
And we can make our lives a holy shrine.
A fallen you,
Will leave a fallen me.
Can arise like phoenix, only bounded we.
Only together we can play our part,
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart.

I’ll put you together,
Whenever the storms be gathered.
Be tranquil and blather,
Choose wisely and don’t get me scattered.
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart.

Losing you awake is a chasing,
And getting you back is a blessing.
A weathered heart leaves a weathered soul,
And a weathered soul can’t have a start.
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart.

My heart and I, trying to survive photos

A fallen heart doesn’t go for a call,
It lays silent and wants to crawl.
It will leave a crawling soul,
Which will lead to only fall.
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart…


We can survive sticking together,
We can survive this world another.
We can live in one clock,
We can be an another flock.
We can make a perfect art,
We can play a beautiful part.
Heart oh! heart,
Don’t you dare to fall apart…


 Getting inspired by this little one.



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